


This is my blog about tech and music and whatever else crosses my mind. It was written to be a personal log of my thoughts, a journal for my hobbies, a place to place notes on research and tech I study while working, and a place to put down ideas on self improvement.

There are no rules about what I post, the above was the intent when I started this project but I have decided that I will not allow that to stop me writing a post if I think that it will help me or others.


Hi, I am me. I am a human in my late 30s. I enjoy many hobbies including astrophotography, archery, bbqs, calligraphy, drawing, listening to music, playing music, board games, video games, reading, table top role playing games, and many others. I live by myself in a small village in the eastern UK, I like the quiet and the lack of light pollution for my stargazing.

Current Goals

  • Finish sorting Irish FBR
  • Lose weight
  • Blog Improvements